These mourning tools can help you and your family process the death of your pet.
As members of the pet care community, we know that one of the hardest parts of pet ownership is the inevitable loss of your companion. We fully understand the very deep and special bond that develops between people and their beloved pets.
Losing a pet is like losing a close friend or member of the family, and we believe that all companions should receive a dignified farewell. Saying goodbye to our animal companions can be especially devastating; they are our best friends who comfort and love us throughout their entire lives, while asking for little in return.
We’ve helped provide closure for thousands of pet owners who have lost their loved ones, and below are some of the most helpful recommendations we can provide for coping with this loss.
#1: Express Your Grief
While many of us may feel uncomfortable expressing our emotions, often the best way to move through grief is to let out your feelings. Facing emotions head on allows one to acknowledge the very real pain of loss and to move through and process those feelings.
Each person’s journey with grief is different, so no path forward will look the same. However, it is important that you acknowledge your grief for the well-being of both yourself and your family members.
The loss of a pet can be extremely difficult for a child to understand, and they will look to the adults around them as a model for how to handle their grief. As The Humane Society shares,
“Expressing your own grief may reassure your child that sadness is ok and help them work through their feelings.”
Sharing your emotions ensures a healthy outlet for your grief and allows you to begin to move on.
#2: Join a Pet Loss Support Group
Pet Loss Support Groups can be a useful tool in the grieving process, as you can share the grief you feel with others dealing with a similar loss.
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement is a great resource for finding support groups and grief counselors that specialize in the loss of one’s pet. Support options are available both in-person and online, and there are an array of other services available on their site.
Remember, you are not alone in your grief.
#3: Write Your Pet an Obituary
While it’s common practice to write an obituary for our human loved ones who have passed on to help with the grieving process, it’s much less common for obituaries to be written for our pets.
In our experience, we find that sharing the life of your pet with your friends and family in an obituary format can be beneficial to the healing process. This is why why we offer all of our customers a complimentary obituary on our website that can be shared with loved ones.
Reflecting on our relationships with our pets this way gives us an opportunity to share those feelings with those around us. The obituary also serves as a great item to be able to look back on when we miss our pet.
#4: Reach Out to Your Loved Ones for Support
One of the most important tools of mourning is the support of those around us. Our loved ones share in our grief, and they can often provide the best comfort to us as well.
Let your loved ones know when you’ve lost a pet and what you’re feeling; those important in your life will show up for you and offer the support you need.
#5: Memorialize Your Pet
Whether through cremation, burial, or purchase of a memorial item like a piece of jewelry or urn, there are a number of ways to memorialize your pet.
We find that having a memorial item nearby can provide a source of comfort for those dealing with grief. Many of our customers have custom paw print jewelry items to keep a piece of their pet with them at all times. Some hang a picture of their pet or place their pet’s urn in a special place at home. Others put together picture albums of all their favorite memories of their pet.
Whatever it is that helps you memorialize your pet, we promise it will help with your grief.
Visit our site for more information on pet loss.