Losing a loved one is perhaps the greatest source of sadness and grief throughout our lives. Saying goodbye to our animal companions can be especially devastating; they are our best friends who comfort and love us throughout their entire lives, while asking for little in return.
406 Pet Crematory representatives have been deeply involved in the lives and deaths of our friends and neighbors in western Montana. Throughout years of experience in the operation of funeral homes, we have gained the experience necessary to offer our service to families that have lost a companion. Over the years we’ve learned many things, but perhaps nothing as profound as the significance of the final goodbye. When it comes time for you to let go of your animal companion, making the decisions on how best to care for their physical remains can be heart-wrenching. We are here to help.
Web Resources:
The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement is a nonprofit association of concerned volunteers who are experienced and knowledgeable in the tender subject of pet death. Our chatrooms are free and available to anyone bereaving for a beloved pet. Membership is not required for this.The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement is a compassionate nonprofit organization of trained volunteers, dedicated to helping people during this very special kind of bereavement. We are constantly improving all our services, and making them freely available on the Internet. The APLB is unique, and the only organization in the world doing all this.
Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Grief Center is a site that provides grief support, memorial pages, and various chat rooms and groups for you to interact and share your grief with others going through the same type of loss.
The Best Friends Resource Center s a comprehensive online library where you’ll find information about pet health and training, as well as educational materials and interactive resources for people with pets and rescue workers. Plus, you’ll find helpful toolkits and much more.
Books for Adults:
Losing my Best Friend by Jeannie Wycherley
Goodbye, Friend by Gary Kowlaski
Grieving the Death of a Pet by Betty Carmack
Saying Goodbye to the Pet You Love by Lorri A. Greene, Ph.D.
Pet Loss: A Spiritual Guide by Julia Harris
Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates by Gary Kurz
Books for Children:
Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant
Cat Heaven by Cynthia Rylant
For Every Dog an Angel by Christine Davis
For Every Cat an Angel by Christine Davis
The Rainbow Bridge by Adrian Raeside