Timber was such a big black haired shiny boy. He was a full-blooded American Labrador Retriever. He was such an amazing gift to all. He lost his life tragically in January 2025. He lost his young life of only 9 years old. Timber was a big, beautiful boy, he was a clown. I remember the first time I was introduced to Timber. He was big but “just a baby” his dad said to him all the time. I’d say, “there goes my fat black baby right here”. My life can never be the same without him. He was my hero. One night my demented mother decided to open the door and leave out at 2:30 am one morning. Timber came to the room; he woke me up and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I got some drink, closed the door on Mom’s room so I wouldn’t wake her. Then I heard talk at the front door. It was my neighbor bringing Mom back home. The night before my mom passed, he sat at my feet with his brother Caveman which was a lifelong friend but bro. When I opened the door on my mom’s home after she passed away Timber was there to greet me. Thank you, God. He’s going home to be with his previous owner who tragically passed, he loved Timber just like a baby, too. He is with Ricky his first owner now. I’m sure they’re somewhere Timber can swim. Surviving Terry (His Dad) Lynn (His Mom) and many more who love him. |