My handsomest boy… where did you go? Why did you leave? Why did you make me love you so much? Those owl eyes… that freckle on your nose… your flag tail… your fancy feet… my life is incomplete without you. You were my constant. My comfort. My best friend. You would rest on my chest when I cried. There is no such solace as I cry for you. Remember when we first met? The first thing you did was press your nose to mine. I knew immediately that you were coming home with me. I’ve never formed such an instant bond with anyone or anything. I keep expecting you to tell me about your day when I come home. I miss the yowls as you wait impatiently for me to sit in my chair. My first moment with you, you crawled into my arms and hugged my shoulder- as though you knew I was there to take you home. My last moment with you, you crawled into my arms and hugged my shoulder- as though you knew I was there to say goodbye. I miss you so much, baby boy. Rest in peace.